About Us
Coast is everybody's beach house; a place where you can relax with friends and enjoy the best of local WA produce, with a drink in your hand watching the best sunset in Australia!
We are a casual pub-style venue, no bookings are required so just come on down and enjoy the best of WA. Coast is very proud of it's minimal environmental footprint as being the only large event venue with no single use plastic,, with our sustainability goals placing us at the forefront of the environmental venues in Australia. We recycle, are fully solar powered, and use no straws, balloons, or any plastic items that might end up on the beautiful Port beach.
The Coast Team
we love port beach
Want to work by the beach, go to the beach on your break, get above award rates, great conditions with drinks and food, and enjoy the party while you work, Email us at foh@coastportbeach.com

Help Us
save our beach
A state government commitment of more than $3 million to help address coastal erosion at Port Beach has been welcomed by the City of Fremantle. thanks to the work of the locals, Polar bears, Beached whales, Lisa Omalley MLA, and you, the 5,000 signatures Coast customers penned have helped save it
Transport and Planning Minister Rita Saffioti announced $3.25 million would be allocated to a sand nourishment project to provide up to 10 years of protection for one of the state’s most iconic beaches.
The funding is part of a $7 million commitment to projects in four high priority coastal erosion hotspots and an additional 42 coastal management projects across Western Australia.