Our Top Date Do’s And Don’t’s

As a sought-after beach wedding venue in Perth, Coast Port Beach as seen many first, second and even third dates (let alone weddings).


Through our experience of seeing it all, we have seen the things date goers should and should NOT do.


So, we wanted to write a list, for those booking their first date here in our venue.


Firstly, here are the do’s!


  • Be sure to ask plenty of questions:

    If you aren’t the best at asking questions, a quick search of ‘date night’ questions ought to do the trick. The standard questions might be just enough for the conversation to unfold, but an out-of-the-box ice breaker might be precisely what the date needs to catch your date off guard, and to open up.


  • Stay genuinely engaged and interested:

    Don’t do all the talking, let your date share some snippets about what is most important to them. Even if their passions aren’t exactly the same as yours, it can be an interesting experience to learn about someone else’s values. Who knows? You might learn something totally new!


  • Go in with an open mind:

    Your date just might surprise you. Don’t close off the opportunity of going on a date with someone who is outside your ‘regular type’. Giving people a chance can have great results! Keep an open mind.


  • Confidence is key: 

    Look, this person wants to go on a date with you, why else are they there? You can safely expect they will find you attractive, and were drawn to you for good reason. If they don’t, then that is their loss. Don’t ever forget that.


  • Have fun: Don’t take yourself too seriously, this is meant to be a fun adventure!

    Take the pressure off and remember this is a chance to get to know a new person. After all, human beings are fascinating. Even if the date doesn’t go as expected, you can still walk away with a memory you can giggle about with your friends. All is never lost. 


  • Keep expectations realistic: 

    Dating can feel a little awkward, that’s normal. If you feel a bit nervous, chances are your date does too. Just go with the flow, and set realistic expectations – one step at a time!




Now…for some do NOT’s!


  • Avoid controversial and sticky subjects:

    Religion or politics are two things that you should probably NOT bring up on date number one…or two. Of course, if these matters are a dealbreaker for you, talk about it. But don’t let that cloud your experience, you don’t want to get in your own way. Your date also probably doesn’t need to know what you told your therapist in your last session, or your geopolitical views on world events. Keep the conversational light, and get to know them on more pleasant topics.


  • Don’t be on your phone:  

    There is nothing more off-putting than a date who can’t get off their screen. Yes, we know your Instagram followers are dying to see what you just had for dinner, but unless something is an emergency, you do not need to check your phone during your date. Apart from being rude, your date has taken time out of their life to be with you, so you can spare an hour or two engaging with them. If you are anything like us, you will embrace that Do Not Disturb mode. 


  • Don’t talk about exes or other dates: 

    Of course, learning about each other’s past is important as your relationship develops…but perhaps, wait a little longer before you start getting honest about other relationships. It makes you seem a bit hung up on the past. 


  • Relax…and don’t put pressure on it:

    Remember, this is after all a FIRST DATE. This doesn’t need to be the ONE. They don’t have to be perfect for you…how do any of us even know what that looks like. Just chill out, enjoy your Coast Port Beach meal and enjoy the conversation. All the best.


Coast Port Beach is a premium wedding venue in Perth, and a stand-out wedding reception venue in Perth, if you would like to book a table for your first date or would like to speak to us about your wedding, be sure to contact us right away.



Open Hours


5 days March to October

Open Wednesday to Sunday

bar: 11:30AM - Late
Kitchen: 12PM - 3PM , 5- 7.30 (8pm Saturdays and when busy)


nestled in the dunes of north fremantle, only 5 minutes drive from the fremantle market and iconic cottesloe, coast port beach is one of the best fremantle beachfront restaurants and bars with breathtaking panoramic views of the indian ocean.